Stepn (GMT) coin: overview, price, markets, converter and news

Stepn (GMT) coin: overview, price, markets, converter and news

Stepn (GMT) – this is the token (Green Metaverse Token) of the Web 3.0 management of the MVE (move to earn) application Stepn. With it, you can change the name of the sneakers and increase their level. Also, tokens can be useful in the distribution of profits or premium content.


STEPN (GMT) overview:
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The issue of the coin is limited to 6,000,000,000 pieces. GMT token can be earned in the app if you have level 30+ running shoes.


STEPN (GMT) price chart:

STEPN (GMT) price / GMT Binance (GMT USDt):


STEPN (GMT) markets / STEPN (GMT) exchange:


STEPN (GMT) converter:

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STEPN (GMT) price prediction /STEPN (GMT) technical analysis:

STEPN (GMT) news:


STEPN (GMT) website:

STEPN (GMT) Twitter:

STEPN (GMT) Reddit:

STEPN (GMT) Discord:
STEPN (GMT) contract address / STEPN (GMT) MetaMask: (0x3019BF2a2eF8040C242C9a4c5c4BD4C81678b2A1)